Thursday, May 19, 2011

In a Jay Z Thinking Mood

Do I dare follow the devil? He leads me to a dark alley way. I sniff trouble in the air. I know im gonna get into deep shit and the consequences are serve. My actions today will not only effect me but my future, and those around me.
But my legs take me forward. Why do they take me forward? Take me with you further and further. I know exactly what is right and wrong, I know exactly what I have to do. But I'm the self indulgent type, so I'm gonna do whatever will make me feel good.
'Feels good.
Don't worry about a damn thang'
- Naughty By Nature
I like to escape from reality. So I dream about it, create scenarios in which my dreams come true. Alcohol is my partner. It helps me escape. Then reality and consequences of my actions hit me. I am sliding further down this ladder everytime I escape. I've wasted too much time dreaming and not enough time doing. Why? Dreaming is so much easier. Why am I so stupid and lazy??

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