Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Fucking jet lag you bitch. I'm three hours behind Australian time. I have had 3 hours sleep before work since i started on Monday. Last night was no exception because i suffered 2 hours of stomach pains. I went and had a mc oz meal. ive had maccas about 5days in a row. oh so yum. After maccas I went to Daves house to watch the tennis and I asked for a cup of green tea. Dave refused because the kettle would wake up his mum who slept in the lounge room and gave me cold water instead. The total opposite. I ended up going home soon bcoz it got worse.
My alarm went off at 6am and i felt like I had only just closed my eyes. It's only 3am in the philippines, this would be home time after a drunken night out. I fantasize about calling in sick and how closing my eyes again would make me smile. Ahhhhh... I get up. My feet tingle as I place them on my carpet, my head hurts. I put on a dress because I dont have to worry about matching top with bottom. I force down some breakfast and skull some hot tea so I burn my taste buds. Just the regular routine. I do get faster at this. If my teeth are lucky I brush them. 30 seconds.

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