Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Punta Tay Tay for fresh seafood breakfast on the beach
Visit Lola at her grave site
Ayala North Point housing estate where you cannot build unless your house is worth over 5million dollars. cannot enter without knowing someone, owning something and giving your name. Uncle owns a lot there.
SM for my first ever foot spa.. While sheila and I wait for tita grace to get her warts zapped we buy more clothes and withdraw a shit load of cash. We eat at ChowKing but the serves are small and I'm still hungry. The workers come up to me and ask me where I'm from. The entire Chow King crew wishes me goodbye as we leave. I'm pretty famous here in philippines. We walk next door where there is KFC and I get another meal. A burger where instead of bread its chicken fillets and the filling is cheese mayo and bacon. the workers here also smile mischieviously at me. I get a bottle of water and I'm set for life. We go back to Tita Grace tells us later that the girls at the beauty parlour said:
There are two young girls who came in looking for you. One is a korean.
Plan family reunion games with sheila
Drink up in the bahay kubu with Jimboy and tito nene until mum comes. I have to hide my beer under the table and end up pouring it out when shes not looking because I leave before her. I dont drink in front of my mum, I cant be bothered fighting. shes' a sickunt infront of her family and in her own language. She gets so carried away she starts talking to me in her language, well aware of the fact that I dont understand Illongo and never have. What she says is more for other people to hear what she says to me, instead of me hearing what she has to say to me. I walk away so I cant hear the end of her sentence. she's a sikunt. I need to get a 'I'm a sikunt' tshirt made for her so she can wear.

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