Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sleeping Hungry

I have been warned that flustered and sometimes incapable manager/s will rely on me more and more now that I am training for this Stock/VM position. All this physical work, carrying 10kg boxes up/down stairs, constantly rearranging shoe boxes and running around upstairs dodging potential occupational health and safety accidents is beginning to show the effects on my body. Im growing biceps and lower back/hip muscles. Apparently the previous manager who did the stock lost a whole dress size, 8 down to a 6. Gym membership not required.
Why I prefer working with objects (stock) than with people (customers):
  • Sometimes you get over dealing with people. Their problems are the same thing, I say the same thing.
  • I get to use my brain with stock
  • Theres always something to do upstairs and time flies
  • I like more responsibility
  • Objects don't have emotions or opinions
I'm forever travelling to and from the city. My ipod is totally necessary. Once my head phones are in I am in my own world. Beats switched on, world switched off. I walk on the yellow corrugated rubber at the train stations because I like to feel the bumps through my shoes. I like to sit/stand near the window so I can imagine myself in the film clip to this song.. you know, the one where the girl stares out the window of a train in deep contemplation. That's me. I like watching people. I wonder what the people who are watching me are thinking about. I wonder if I'm ever mentioned in the MX section 'Heres Looking At You' what would I say?
I imagine things and act out scenarios in my head while on the train to escape reality. Sometimes I am so engulfed in these scenarios I practice what I'd say out loud. Accidentally or on purpose. Thinking like a child, thinking carefree without limitations is what will free me from this mundane everyday work cycle. Thoughts like these occur more after work than they do before work when I know that I am free and it wont be at least another 12 hours before I have to start it all over again.
I've started noting down everything I spend minus what I earnt for the day. On Monday i was negative 37cents god damnit but the other days so far I was up by at least $100. Phew. Saving plan: deposit $500-$700 a week = $2,000+ a month. Interest is my bitch. Inner city suburb luxury apartment here we come.
What I ate today:
  • Two toast with egg/ham/cheese
  • Orange juice
  • Spinach and ricotta bread roll
  • Slice of cake
  • Plain ass BBH noodles
By the time I get home I'm too tired to cook anything so I go to sleep hungry. I'll wake up hungry and inspired as to what to eat. -.-

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