Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Emotions We Wish We Didn't Have

Quoting Phuong Tran
Who Quoted Sarah Bates
One of the most difficult and hard to accept lessons of adulthood is realizingthat you will feel pain and that you cannot go over or under or around it.It’s a terrible place to be in because, well, it’s painful.The most important fact to remember about emotional pain is that it will not kill you.It will sting and make you cry, and perhaps make you not want to eat or talk or whatever,but it will not kill you and you will recover. It will simmer and sift around inside you, then eventually it will pass.
And though sometimes it lasts way more time than you wish it did,when you pass through it, you are actively becoming stronger and more stable andmore healthy as an adult. You are growing tools that will help you to faster and faster recoveries in future pain
If it helps you try and repeat to yourself: this too will pass,your body and heart will heal and there are many who love you that will help you get back up again.

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