Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chunka Hunk

It's only 9:15pm and I'm in bed getting ready to fall asleep. What kind of 22 year old has a 9pm bed time? My body's been so tired these days, my mind feels exhausted too. I don't know why. I work 7 days a week but 5.5 hours (sometimes 8-10 hours) a day but I dont think thats a lot. I bet it has something to do with what I eat. I'm not exactly healthy, I live on carbs. Carbs breakfast lunch and dinner.
Breakfast two crumpets with avocado dip and ham. Glass of milk. 15 minute lunch break at work are cheese and butter crackers. Dinner is fried chicken. Sometimes a sandwich, toast with butter. Green tea. I can go days without meat, fruit and veggies. I need iron.
I bought this fucking gangsta House of Harlow bangle today from work. It's been staring at me from the sale jewellery cabinet for the past one month and I've ignored its glistening glory. It was difficult to ignore something I want. It was down from $259 to $130 but I've never paid anything near $130 for a piece of jewellery. Last night I made up my mind that I would buy it. I feel complete. My heart can stop its yearning.
House of Harlow
Triquetra Gun Metal Cuff
With matching ring
I often get the impulsive urge to buy something. I fall in total fascination for a material object in a matter of seconds. The site of the object and the fact that it is not yet mine sends signals to my brain, buy me, buy me, you know you want me. Yes, you know what? I do want you. The object tells me my person is not complete without it. I may appear to ignore these signals without difficulty for weeks but at the back of my mind it lingers. Until, one day, an explosion of impulsive buy. Sometimes I won't even buy the object, I'll get something else more extravagant or more expensive.
This House of Harlow cuff is an example of when I buy something more expensive. I started off ignoring the matching ring on sale for $40. It sold out so there was no possibility for me to buy. I was half relieved, half shattered... but my bank card was relieved. Yesterday I wore my friends ring and accidentally took it home. I had it with me the whole day and over night I had the urge to go into work and buy the matching cuff. Perhaps if I bought the ring to begin with I wouldnt have spent 3+ more than originally planned. Fucker.
Just when I have set a financial plan for myself have I rediscovered the fun of online shopping. I really wish I had time to op shop but I dont, so I buy things that are overpriced online, even if they are sale items. I bought a book and a Minty Meets Munt white corset. I pressed the 'buy' button with one eye closed and the other one cringing. I want it but I dont. I say I'll wear it a alot but I dont. I say I'll get my moneys worth but I dont.
Minty Meets Munt
Lovey Corset
H&M Corest from Dubai
The Pacquaio fight was on today. That time of the year when the narrow streets of Delahey become lined with cars because all the filos are having their little Pacquaio parties, complete with Tanduay Rum, sweet sauced spaghetti cut into edible lengths and fried chicken. I dropped by vince's to consume some left overs like the food rat I am. Theres nothing to eat at home but carbs so I rotate from house to house looking for someone to feed me.
It's 1.5 months til I leave for Philippines. I cant believe its already November. I cant fucking wait. I can't fucking wait. I am going to have a blast, come back an alcoholic covered in tribal tattoos and calloused feet. I'm fitting in all my shit in my 7kg hand carry and leaving my 23kg capacity check in luggage empty for all the shopping and food I'm bringing back. The Philippine economy will love me. I wanna stay in Philippines for as long as I can. I dont wanna come back.
And just for the record, LL Cool J puts me in the mood.

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