Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Intensified Weekend

I love my weekends. I would argue that I have some of the best weekends amongst my friends. It's so important for me to have a banging weekend and I know my weekends will never fail me. I make them what I want and I make them fun and adventurous. You just need a the right mix of open minded people (possibly connected ones), shoes you can walk in and just a little bit of money to start off with. If you're creative, you can do a lot with the little you have so essentially, do you need anything to have the fun you want?


I have this thing where my weekends start on Thursday. I've blogged it about it previously but it was Phuong's surprise birthday party. About 25 of us greeted a disbelieving and shaking phuong. 'I'm shaking, I'm shaking!' is all she said when she hugged us. Later she would tell me she thought she was going to faint. She was teary, its two years in a row now that phuong has cried tears of joy at her birthday and its something Id like to keep going. It was such a good thing to see her happy. I was almost teary myself being so overcome with elated emotion.

I shared her feelings like they were mine. That moment brought me back to a time in year 8 religion when she was chosen to pray for something. Phuong started off but couldnt finish because she burst into tears. We both left the classroom so she could calm down. I hugged her tightly and felt her body vibrate as she shook with deep inhalation. It was terrible. I couldn't take seeing her like this. I had to cry too. Our teacher came out and asked me why I was crying. I said 'I dont want to see her like this' and Phuong's tears softened and she hugged me. The teacher was confused. She didnt want to send any one else out to comfort us beacuse she thought that person would end up crying.

The dinner was so yum. We had three rounds of Japanese BBQ and couldnt even finish the king prawns, salmon and abalone. :S I hate wasting things when I know people out there are suffering. I think of the kids in the Bacolod Orphanage.

It was green tea ice cream for desert. We were only allowed to choose one of the 4 flavours but phuong asked for the three exotic ones. we were at a fancy restuarant. The waiter said that phuong could only have one because one is enough. hahaha. Eventually there were ice cream left over and phuong had all three exotic flavours, green tea, red bean and black seasame. Black seasame is the SHIT so good.

I saw my 2nd ever comedy show and my first up close and personal one. We were running late so we had to be snuck in and only stayed for the last 20 minutes of the show. It was held at the Victoria Hotel which I'm sure has to be a heritage listed building just by looking at it. I'm not surprised if it was haunted either. We saw Mike Wilmot which I didnt find that funny because it was crude humour about saggy vagina's and old men sucking on nipples. I did not hate it. I did a few grunts of approval, you know that thing you do before you laugh but its not quite a laugh. I did like his Canadian accent though and, throughout his gig, was what life would be like growing old with a comedian and his crude jokes.


I had day off. I was happy about because I was pissed off at work on Thursday and  I wanted to leave all the unfinished work for the ungrateful people at work to finish off. Huh! Take that while I have a day off. It was sunny and such a beautiful day. I was still very happy from last night, so happy in fact that it actually felt like it was MY birthday. I posted on facebook that I had one happy intensified weekend when the weekend has not technically begun and only one day gone from 'my' definition of a weekend. I jump into things too fast.

We were off to the Carlton Club for drinks for Phuongs birthday, the one SHE planned and up til now it was very difficult to not give the surprise away. I thought I was doing a good job of it but Phuong picked up a couple hints in my msgs last night e.g. 'I'll see you tonight' which I had to stop myself from writing about 3 times. I guess one slipped by.

As always I was in a rush to get ready. I had about 20 minutes because I was napping at mums house in my comfy and over heating bed. 5 more minutes, 10 more minutes, 5 more minutes and BAM im late.

I never been to the carlton club before but its a beautiful classy venue and I love the rooftop bars. The carpet is patterened and lavish red. There were stuffed ostriches and giraffe heads in the main room I really hope they arent real :S It was really annoying because Josh was having trouble getting into because he looked too casual in his jeans and tshirt when Joe could not get in at all because he was 'too formal'. He needed jeans to get in, not those business trousers. That is fucking bullshit. What cunts.


I was sipping on Chardonnay all night because i missed wine and it was probably cheaper than vodka. Because I didnt mix drinks I only buzzed. Oh wait, I was doing tequilla shots. I bought Phuong her first drink. Her third drink was a jug of Sangria. She was sipping out of it from several straws and cheers-ing us with the massive jug. Haha! I said, use a cup! I didnt know if security will allow that sort of behaviour. There was dilemma's that night and phuong wasnt happy. And I wasnt happy that phuong cried tears other than tears of happiness. I fucking hate controlling and jealous people. Just sit back and relax mate you can rule this world and the actions of others.

Last night was also the first time I felt comfortable with a male stranger coming up to me in a bar and talking to me. He was actually really smooth and genuinely nice. He wasn't even drunk/tipsy because he had given up alcohol ages ago and he was on water all night. He's mates watched from a couple steps away but even that didnt make me feel awkward. He came up to me and Stacy after our Don Julio White shots (no chaser needed it was that nice) and he said he liked my style. He said I was beautiful. Stacy motioned to leave but before she did she had a concerned look on her face that said 'do you want me to rescue you?' I gave her a nod of assurance that said 'Thanks, I'm fine'. I don't remember what we spoke about but it was a pleasant conversation because interesting topics just flowed and he wasn't a creep. He had to go because he's friends we're waiting downstairs and he asked for my number.  I told him a had a boyfriend. 'Where's the lucky guy?'

Our friends slowly left and it was time for Phuong's birthday speech. I made the guys gather around and she made her speech right then and there. She appreciated us, everything we had done for her. She had the bestest of friends. She was so lucky. Again, tears of happiness. :)

We had KFC which was bland as fuck. The inaudible hobbo kept coming up to us and offering some of his Pie Face and some of hes drugs. Ugh. Get away.

I was on my way home when a friend mentioned he was outside. I didnt think he would actually come and we were literally walking to a car home. I told him I had to go, I must leave him on his own. I left. Felt like a rat. Then went back in to the Carlton. I drank some more Chardonnay, kicked back on the balcony and got home at 3:30am after a $51 cab by myself. I hate cab fairs.


I didn't wake up with a hang over but I was a little groggy. I wanted a pork roll but James suggested a big breakfast. I warned him I had no money whatsoever. this week I am literally struggling for cash since I had to pay for holiday accomodation, rent, and bills. The accomodation alone was more than I earned in one week.

James took me to Chez Dre a french cafe in a alley way of South Melbourne. Adventurous me got a Breakfast Platter which I was a little disappointed with beacuse i thought it would not fill me up. And there were no instructions to eat it. A french breakfast patter included:

  • A boiled egg (on a egg cup i havent seen one of these in years!!)
  • plates of home made raspberry and strawberry jam with dried apricots
  • two shavings of ham
  • a block of cheese
  • crunchy sweet wheetbix covered in natural yoghurt
  • a toasted bagette and a
  • glassed croissant

Where do I start??? Oh but I started, and I finished. I finished everything!!! And we got a take away bagette and some macaroons for the road. It was 3pm. Now it was off to Joel's apartment in the city :)

James and the French Breakfast

Carrying around a bagette I felt so French!

James put on season 1 of Games of Thrones and I am so addicted. I am in love with Khal Drogo, Son of Bharbo. He's every bit of man. I wish so much that he was real so I could follow him around. Now here are photos of Khal Drogo, Son of Bharbo.

Drogo. The more I look at him the more I become obsessed. Ugh. So. HOT.

I braided Joel's hair to prepare him for Tough Mudder. Gods speed. James and I decided to head to Section 8.

I go over to Joel's house so we can braid each other's hair

Section 8 I had one glass of house wine. Then we were to Kokoro Restuarant to visit Cheese and bitched about Jwow. I skulled 1.5 glasses of sake a munched on free Japanese fried chicken that and fried gyoza's which was better than anything ive ever tasted. MJ met us up and we headed off to the Billboards with a $100 drink card. We met Mackie the manager at the front of the venue so we could skip the line. Mackie said if the drink card isnt enough, we should see him. I've never been to Billboards before. Apparently its a venue that is not known for either RnB or Trance or a genre of music, it is known as an events venue. Musicians come and play here. There is a moshpot section and an elevated stage like the HiFi bar. The floor to ceiling of the stage is entirely LED disco lighting. Dj's play on stage and look down at the clubbers. The bars and audio visual technitians are elevated and I think its a really convenient set up.

Mackie took us to the VIP lounge which over looked everything, even the LED lighting board. The VIP room had white leather couches and their own bar. Floor to ceiling blacked out windows. It was pretty fucking amazing. I wonder what shit goes down up here.

Cant see shit here but this is the VIP room at Billboards

We were doing shots of this, chasing it down with that. I lost count but I learnt long time ago that counting doesnt matter. We were off to the Croft where by this time my memory is weary. They were gonna charge us $10 each at the door but MJ said he was M-Phases manager. I remember innocent faced door girls and guys and eventually I got a cool stamp on my wrist. We had to climb so many stairs. People were making room for me, stepping aside, because I climbed like a gorilla. I was tired.

I was tripping out because their was actual glass on the bartop. I couldnt stop playing with it, combing it with my fingers but trying not to tear it away. I met DJ Flagrant. M-Phases was DJing. I was dancing on stage. I remember spilling a drink because the fkn grass bartop was not stable. Most of it went on me. I'm lucky to get a second pour.

We went to the Carlton Club after which by then I felt I was dreaming. I dont remember being there. James said we had KFC. We did? I dont remember the walk to the car, paying for the park or even the drive home. I was drunk texting too and asking people to keep me awake to that tomorrow I wont wake up with a hang over. 

Amin sent me a photo of his weird thumb.
I sent him a photo of a normal thumb

Markings of a good night. Pretty cool trademark for the
Croft Institute


I feel asleep with my light on and my orange juice bottle empty. I needed a pork roll but I remember I am really really strapped for cash. Last night at the ATM I got rejected because I didnt have enough funds to withdraw $40. When I checked my balance I had only $16 and I cant even withdraw that! I needed cash but i only had silver. I had to use on car coinage. I picked up Afro Dave, my new found highschool ex bf's right hand man who lives down the road from me and we get pork rolls. I had just enough money for a can of solo.

Go home. Go to vman's house to watch eposides and eposides of Games of Throne. I watch too much of it and now I'm late to meet up with dave. I'm pissed off because Drogo is drying. UGH. PISSED OFF. While we wait for Grace I am tempted to withdraw my $16 on my card and gamble so I can make more money. Ha. Gambling's a lopsided bitch. You win a bit, but you will eventually lose it all. We go to crown to watch 21 Jump street. I was thinking of Drogo and if he will make it through the night.