Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HK Tattooists

Star Crossed Tattoo
Ross Turpin
Usually book about 2 weeks in advanced
$500 for small pieces or $1,000 per hour over 2 hours
This guy here is fucking awesome, very happy for him to tattoo me

308 Tattoo Workshop
This guy is obvious very talented and his street art style shines through his tattoo work. Pity the website is not in english and difficult to navigate. I am still interested though.


This dude intrigues me. Theres not much on the internet about him. He's very underground and his tattoo studio seems the least bit up to international sterile standards. Black walls, splashes of red paint on the walls with a massive red swarstiska on the wall. Collections of skeletons and skulls on his shelf. He works out of, what is seems, his bedroom which is located in an Industrial Building in the non-touristy part of Hong Kong. The kinda place I can imagine being raped and held for randsom because I'm a foreigner because I am a citizen of a first world country, but what, HK is a first world country. I just hope I dont get Hepititas.

Read more about him: