Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dear Tita Grace

Oh Tita, 

my shoe addition is never ending and an expensive habit. you just need to ask my mum. I spent half of my pay on shoes that week :S they were so cheap some were $42 (down from $180) a pair! I work in a ladies shoe store. We have people from interstate calling and paying for shoes over the phone and arranging delivery. In one month, we had a couple of american ladies who bought a pair of shoes from us. It's a good company to work for because its still growing and I'm in a good position for Retail career advancement. 

My title is Stock Manager. I make sure the inventory is up to date and accurate, organise and process deliveries.. its a surprisingly physical job.. rolling 10kg boxes of shoes up stairs, lifting, shuffling shoe boxes to make sure they all fit on the shelf and ordering them so they are easy to find. My job is my excerise and Ive grown biceips and a stronger back. Plus calf muscles because we do this work in (resasonably) heeled shoes.

We sell all sorts of shoes. We rotate types according to season of course. so in summer we will have sandals and winter we have boots but all year round we will stock heels for the party people. We dont have a lot of bling, bling isnt big in Australia at all. At the moment we stock snake skins and tiger printed pony hair but even this is too outrageous for the average Australian. Blacks are popular here because black is timeless and for all occasions. our heels are usually in black suedes.

My other job (which I dont work much anymore) was at a Wine and Cocktail bar also in the city. I shake cocktails so my traps and biceps also grow. hehe

Yes I'm excited for my holiday! i have a countdown on my laptop. It says I have 45 days 13 hours and 38 seconds to go!! ive never heard of the korean winter blanket, ill try to look for one for you! my luggage technique is the same when i travel: Pack all necessities in 7kg hand carry, leave large check-in luggage empty and fill up throughout the trip. I want to visit you in the U.S. ever since grade 5 and believe me I will!! I promised my next holiday would be to the U.S. except this trip was a last minute one and I had just the right amount of funds and time to go. i think for the u.s. i will need one month so i can travel to different places e.g. NY, LA, Las Vegas, Chicago, etc. 

Yes ate is yellow belt Karate. She studies with Seido Karate. I'm aware that you are a black belt, what an achievement! I seen old pictures of you in your uniform and mum has told me a few times. I went along to Ate's grading and for the first time i saw Karate in action, it was a new experience so see how they showed social hierarchy through their physical gestures and verbal language. Ate is more on the masculine side. she's always very active, even after work she will do house work like she didnt go to work! When Jack (Ate's BF) is over laying on the couch watching afternoon TV she is outside in her gardening gear toiling the soil!

She has renovated our Kealba house and its looking really nice. You won't even recognise it. She's done the kitchen a few years ago, and more recently the bathroom and laundry. The walls are painted and so is the roof. She has had the roof tiles replaced, side gate painted.. the heater will be repaired on Friday because its coming to Winter and people will start charging more to get it fixed. Best to do it now. On Christmas day we had hail the size of golfballs which tore massive cracks/holes in our plastic progola. She has since gotten that replaced. Next is the flooring, she wants to get floor boards which i think will look very nice. I told her to wait a while to collect funds before she engages in a new project.

Yes, of all the philippino foods i miss Lion's Park Inasal the most. I miss eating in the outdoor dodgey resturant with my hands and calamansi-ed rice. I like recieving coke in glasses with a straw that pops out because the coke has an almost unbearable amount of fizz it in. Soft drinks in philippines are so much more fizzier than Australian drinks. I miss seeing everyone walking calmy and aimlessly in the streets.. and the small sachets that are hung from the tindahans protected with chicken wire. But i realise how lucky I am to be living in Australia with so much opportunity. I got bored in Bacolod for 3 weeks imagine if I lived there. I'd like to go to more than the 3 clubs they have, study short courses, have the opportunity to set up a design/craft business, shop at places other than SM and Robinsons. If i lived there i'd be so fat too!

Tata's birthday was on the 16th. Mark's has already passed. No they didnt celebrate, i didnt expect them too they are always busy with Ysabella. Distance and busy lives keeps us apart. We havent had contact w joy joy. I proposed an Easter celerbation but no one on facebook got back to me. i really like doing family stuff its fun and i miss talking to all the cousins. they are such good company.

Yes Vince has heard about Mike Vasquez. Vince knows a lot about Arnis, he loves it. He first heard about Tito Bebot on a youtube video and then asked me if I was related to him. I said YES! and then I went to Tito Bebots house and drank with him and a couple of arnis masters. Vince knew about them both! hahah I get to meet these Arnis masters, all of vince's idols and I know nothing abotu Arnis. Vince wants to go to HK and U.S. to study Arnis, he wants to train with Tito Bebot.

My tummy is better. I know what I have to do, I have to eat more fibre. I dont eat anywhere near the recommended amount of fruit and veg. I dunno how to cook and especially that i have to fend for myself at Ates house I get take out a lot. The other day I cooked creamy tuna pasta bake and i ate that 3 times a day for 2 days. its finished now so i have to cook something else. 

Talk to you soon :)