Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mr. Danger

I was watching this American doco-drama about Still Water prison, apparently one of the more secure prisons as it houses mostly murders and rapists. This place was full of big guys, tattated up, big because they got nothing better to do than get buff. The doco reports on the security measures the correction officers have to take to not get attacked e.g have piss thrown on them. When the prisoner walks down the hall his wrists and ankles are chained to his waist, a spit bag and padded helmet over his head to prevent attacks, you can even see his face. Plus there are two officers , one of each side that hold him while he walks. Id want to be left the fuck alone, i'm already chained up. I can walk by myself!

This guy was put into solitary confinement for 150 days / 5months for getting into a fist fight. thats 23 hours of alone time, in a sound proof, concrete and steel cell with nothing to pass the time but your thoughts. he was starting to go crazy. He said, theres nothing to stimulate your mind so the mind starts creating things. He hears and sees thing that aren't there. I would too. Even that 1 hour of tard time is spent in solitary in a cage just big enough to jog around in a rectangle. You wonder weather this kind of treatment is going to straighten them up. Is it really a correctional institution??

It would be amazing to study criminology. Study a bit in psychology and sociology. Or have a job like jodie foster in Silence of the Lambs. Why do people do bad things? What goes through you mind when you decide to rape a 12 year old girl or dismember a human body and bury the head and limbs separate to to the torso? When they interviewed Darnell Smith he seemed like an intelligent, calm individual. They showed footage of him doing push ups with his feet resting on a chair. So tank. They portrayed him as a manipulator. He seduced a correction officer who was once a beauty pagent and saw each other behind prison doors. How exciting and forbidden. When he got released he hooked up with the girl and convinced her to help him kill and dismember the guy. I want to understand you because you intrigue me and goddamn you are sexy.

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