Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Crime Passionel

I had three hours sleep last night. I rocked up to work today early and on time but had to wait for 1 hour for the next girl to come in because i had no key and no one decided to fucking tell me about it. I was so pissed off. I'm getting sick. I'm reading this really interesting book, The Greatest Crimes of Passion. It's real well written. I indulge myself in the characters and imagine how I would react in a situation like that. Crimes committed for the sake of love or marriage back in olden day France we're treated with leniency. They called it crime passionel.

'If an outraged husband, shoots his wide's lover he may secure a complete acquittal. The assailant is seen as defending the sanctity of his marriage and the law is prepared to be flexible.

These kind of murders can expect to walk free other wise it is a death penalty. If a woman was found guilty she would rarely be sentenced to death.. and if so the public may protest for you (especally if you appeared to be physcially or mentally weak or attractive) and you can escape the death penalty.

The things they let us get away with back then. How times have changed.

My new books

I love this film clip. Too gangsta.

M.I.A. - Bad Girls