Monday, February 20, 2012

Photo Update

My work of Lego art. Looks so good it looks fake!

Spider can't get me

'You are beautiful!'

Have you seen the awesome hand carved cow bone marrow ring Phuong bought me?
Oh bone marrow, where are yoouu??

My lunch only cost me $3

Cute pugs sleeping on each others necks. I think thats romantic.

Looking around while peeing at the Melbourne Central Toilets Lvl 2. 
I see a love heart on the floor.

Came to St. Albans specifically for a pork roll at Chilli Deli, one of the more popular pork roll joints in St. Albans, to find it PACKED out. I am not waiting for a pork roll. I went to the Tan Tan Bakery down the road. Bad move. It made me feel sick. Do not go to the Tan Tan Bakery ever again. Shit service too. How many times do I have to say No Chilli, No cucumber?

Piercings in the mail

Ate's been doing a lot of renovations to the house lately. It's all coming together.
 Finally the tribal art work piece is hung, the roof and gate are painted and 
we have family photos in our picture frames.
It's now a real home.

Bought Joel a bonsai for his going away present. 
It's called A Thousand Stars.
Bonsai's are such meaningful, permanent and affordable presents,
I will buy everyone a bonsai.

Ate: Never wear socks with slippers... unless you're Japanese

Mummy cooked this. It's yum. Dunno what its called.

David and Marc at the Night Market

The Filippino Brotherhood

This is what happens when I'm bored at Jwow
I draw stuff on the windows

I cant get over how funny this picture is. Ate will probably kill me if she knew I posted this. Ate went to a high school dress up party in the Eastern Suburbs. I told her to go as a St. Albans Vietnamese gangsta. I gave her a new name, Ngoc. I taught her how to speak Vietnamese and how to pose all gangsta in photos e.g. breakdance and asian squatting poses. She wore my CRC St. Albans sports uniform with the pants dragging. We got props such as bandana, carribee bag (complete with empty spray cans for the rattle noises and graffiti tagging on the bag) and shopping trolley handles from my brothers room without his knowledge (because Anio is asian gangsta like that). HAHAH. Our mission was to educate these East siders of how we do the West, unfortunately they didnt get it. They were confused and said to Jack, 'Is that your girlfriend??' HAHAHAHA

Kitties Playing

Me being bored

Pokey Cleaning Herself

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