Monday, January 9, 2012

Pasincha Ka Lang

It's been two days since I last blogged. I have no time. WiFi is barely accessible in my room so I have to go outside in the bahay kubu to be connected to the internet. This should be done during the day because during the night the mosquitoes add to my 20+ mosquito bite tally.
Day Five
Visit Tita Minya and Tita Nidya, Jim Boy and this wife Jennifer in Sum-ag
Outside Tita Minya and Nyda's house
Outside Tita Mynya's Market Shop
Tita Minya (or is it Nidya) asking Tita Grace to buy her glasses
Tita grace has her little smug face on.

Holy Infant Orphange to enquire about volunteer work.
Lions Park Inasal Chicken for lunch. Eating BBQ lemon marinated chicken on a stick with rice and kalamansi.. eating with my hands because I miss it.
Amook Inasal
SM where mum buys me 3 automatic watches by Citizen and Seiko. Hehe MINE! I try to find and buy the most decent looking silver shoe I can find for the wedding. We try fresh mango juice, by mamoon from Red Ribbon
Beauty parlour to get my hurrrr dddid. Its never felt so soft! The lady next to me crosses her legs the man way because her balls are in the way. Need to attend a dinner party at my uncles house at 530pm but we're still at the parlour.
Me: Tita Grace, we're going to be late
Tita: What time is the party?
Me: 530pm
Tita: Yes but what time is the eating??
haha! selfish. Hi, here's the present now where's the food??
Tito Bebot/Tita Sallys apartment for a dinner party to celebrate their 39 years of marriage. I have nothing to wear because I have brutally underpacked. I borrow sheilas dress and wear the shoes I'm meant to wear to the wedding. The night was chillier than normal. I have the sudden idea that chilly = supernatural presence. i shivered. Sheila later tells me she saw our dead grandpa was present at the party. He wore a blue brown shirt with a blue collar, resting his chin on his hand, hiding a smirk as he watched his children talk. The next morning the door to his home was open. Lolo had gone walking. Scary.
My family announces to everyone that I am a Japanese.
I go out drinking at Flow Nightclub with my black sheep cousin Jimboy and his new wife jennifer. Flow is a higher class nightclub that just opened. Entry is 50pesos and the beer is just over one dollar. A mojito is three dollars. I'm drank two vodka's, three san migs, and one red horse. it's my first time drinking red horse, at first its nice because its super cold but after that you can really tell its a strong beer. It's revealed that tita grace gave Jimboy money to take me out but only enough money for entry and two beers each. Hehe. its 12am and tita grace is messaging jojo, who messages jimboy asking where i am, how come I'm not home? Jimboy tells me we should go home but i tel him one more. :) i pay for the bill, drinks for three of us cost me less than $25
We're on our way home but jimboy stops by a 7/11 so I can get some gatorade incase i am hung over. i was pretty tipsy. i didnt wnna go home :( I go inside and straight to the alcohol section. My tagalog comes out when I am under the influence. i grab a bottle orange flavoured vodka and returned to the car. Jimboy didnt believe me until his wife second it. He says that okay, we can drink one glass and then i have to go home.
drinking while tito manual is sleeping, hehehheheheheheheee
i creep into the house and hear tito manual snoring. i return to my room where I wake up sheila. its 1am. she says 'jenny! you're early!' ughhhh I feel like going back downstairs again.
Day Six
Reynards family come from the U.K., Singapore and Illoilo, Philippines for breakfast snacks before heading off to the Church of Triumph for wedding rehersals. BORING. I was feeling sluggish from last night and i didnt have an appetite which meant I had zero energy.
Tito Manual and family
Walking down the isle.
Tito Manual answers his mobile during his daughters wedding rehersal
Off to Merley's Garden for lunch with Reynards family where I am in food heaven. The menu was mostly in Illongo so I had fun translating it into english and imagining what the food will look/taste like and if ive had it before. i look at the dessert menu and am disappointed because i've tried everything on it :( when the food comes i am still excited, so excited that while everyone digs in i am taking photos to preserve the memory. I dont know the names of the food I ate but i do rememeber everything else. I drink fresh buku juice straight from the coconut shell!
Merley's Garden Resturant
Tita Merley opened a small resturant in her compound and later opened up her compound for catering purposes to the public. Soon they opened up a nice Garden Resturant on a main street. Tita Merley and her children now in their middle ages run the resturant.
Oh you know, just chewing on some pork toes
Food has arrived!
HOME. I want to stay home and hang around the bahay kubu for the black sheep to come out at sunset. I'm tired. The adults are going to fancy dinner party so the kids can run around the courtyard drunk. They leave. I'm in the kubu waitin for my nails to dry when I get a call from Tita Grace saying she is sending for someone topick me up because they are waitin for me!! NOooooo!!!!! Again I have nothing to wear. I try on three of sheilas dresses before I settle on one. It was a bitch getting ready. It was hot, I was sweaty, my clothes and hair stick to my skin, my hair is wet and becomes elastic - i try not to pull my hair because it dries curly, the dresses are rubbing off my makeup and collecting my sweat, my nail polish isnt dry so i have to avoid touching my nails - of course this is impossbile so I get orange nailpolish on the dresses and my nails are hideous... i wipe the nail polish off with tissue but not the tissue is stuck on my nails. arugh!!!!!
I'm so uncomfortable, not in a phsycial way but because this dress wasnt my style. It was one shoulder, one sleeve, white with pastel butterfly print on it. With my sparkly silver wedding shoes, sheila says I look like a princess. I DONT WANNA BE A PRINCESS! It was a bitch trying to hail a cab and almost everyone on the street is staring at us. Short dresses and high heels. The jeepney drivers and cyclists wolf whistle, yell out to us and stop infront of us to offer us rides. I felt like a hooker on the street except I wasnt a hooker, I just wanted fkn cab. I get to the reception and they are all seated. Me and sheila run in and everyone looks. I sit down next to mum, shudder, I completely forget to greet the bride and groom. Most of the food is gone, and mine is cold. I'm not even hungry. I'm just there. I'm grumpy because my plans of relaxing, drinking went from that to rushing and wearing this princess dress. And my stalker msgs me probably wanting me to come out. But I smile for these people like I am a nice person. No one cares if I wasnt here. Tita grace just wanted to show me off. I sit alone on a big table and write in my journal.
It's time to leaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I get told I am going straight to the Hotel to have my hair done for the wedding tmrw. Oh, and you're spending the night there so what overnight clothes would you like me to deliver to you? WHAT? ughhhh.. My aunt, uncle and mum's asking me 5 million questions like I know everything when I'M the one who just follows instructions and doesnt get told things like 'you have to come to this dinner party, you will spent a night at the hoetl so bring your stuff''.. disorganisation is so frustrating and effects everybody! annoyed but its probably not anyones fault.
Day Seven - Nannah's Wedding
My cousins child, Barbie is 7 years old. She stands near me, stares at me, and sometimes smiles. I smile back because shes so cute. Shes probably wondering why I look different, or wondering about the place I come from. I cant really talk to her because she doesnt understand much english, and she cant talk to me because I cant understand Illongo. When I can, Ill use a tagalog word in my enlgish setence so she has some idea. Other times we are both lost in translation so I just smile and shake my head. She smiles anyway even if she doesnt know what I'm saying. We sleep in the same bed except we cant sleep. I'll turn my head to see if shes sleeping and coincidentally she'll do the same and we look at each other and giggle. So i try to talk to her. She likes areoplanes, and says 'yes' instead of 'yeah'. Turns out she knows more english than Ithought she did. She asks me if I know tagalog.
Me: Konti lang
and she smiles. She says a few tagalog words and asks me to translate:
Barbie: Buhok
Me: Hair
Barbie: Kabihis
Me: To get dressed
Turns out I know more tagalog than I thought I did. That night me and Barbie got 3 hours sleep
Nannah my cousin, her husband Reynard and
the eight brothers and sisters of Louis and Natividad Tan
Mum requested a photo with me.
I told her to get in line.
My makeup. Need to copy

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