Sunday, November 20, 2011


Work 11-4pm in my Jordans and purple Wisconsin varsity jacket. Helen and Vman ended up staying the night last night because I was wone-ly. Vman slept in my bed and I slept with Helen in my sisters bed because she was scared being murdered in her sleep. In Helens room, she usually takes the right side of the bed but last night she took the left. She insists on sleeping on the side furthest from the door so if attacked, she will be attacked second.
I've been spending too much money on material things lately. I promised myself that this week I wont buy anything new considering last week I bought about 4-5 new items. Except I'm going op shopping tmrw and I'll need to buy some summer clothes, oh and this lady who came in today was wearing really nice black tight Nudie jeans with the subtle shine finish that I'm looking for in a pair of jeans. Oh and I need me a pair of nicely fitted high waisted jeans to wear with my corset. When will it ever stop :( I buy something, then I need to buy something else so I can wear it together.
Tmrw I have an 8am start. To be 10 minutes early I need to catch the 7:23am train from Keilor Plains. To catch the 7:23am train I need to wake up at 6am or 6:30am the latest. If I fall asleep in 4 minutes I will get at least 6 hours sleep. Tita Grace runs on 5 hours of sleep a night. I wish I could eventually become like that. Theres too much in this world to do to have to sleep for 8-12 hours and believe me I can sleep from 8-12 hours. I've probably slept for 14 hours straight as a result of 2 days without sleep doing uni projects. I miss those hectic times. Now its all about work work work damnit. I miss academic learning. I wish my book came in the mail already. Everyday without reading I am loosing precious brain cells. Apparently these brain cells cannot be replaced?
I need to have my hammock transported from Taylors Hill to Kealba now this weather calls for hammock sitting and jamaican music listening and corona lemon sipping. I love how the sun wakes up at 6am and goes to sleep at 9pm. Thats the wayyy... not long now for those hot and exciting summer nights.
Summer Activities
  • Cruising around Caroline Springs with rooftop and windows open, bumping some chilled hip hop (but not looking like sickunts in doing so), doing drive through maccas for oreo mcflurries and frozen cokes
  • Setting up temporary tents on the beach and fighting a failing battle with the wind. Being self-conscious of my stomach and body when I wear a bikini at the beach wishing I was a little more tanned
  • Kicking back outside under the pragola getting stung by sneaky mosquitoes
  • Eating mangoes and cherries and other sticky sweat fruit
  • Sweating behind the bar at jwow in short shorts
  • Having to always wax my legs so I can wear short shorts
  • BBQs at phuongs house
  • Sleeping without blankets or the need to cuddle
  • The need for sunglasses
41 days and 2hours til I leave.
What I Ate Today:
  • Creamy pasta salad at the train station. Thank you for disposable bowls.
  • 'Fudgee Barr' and Butter Cream Filled Crackers from the philo store for lunch break.
  • Left over roast lamb and rubber spring rolls from last nights party.
  • Rice crackers and avocado dip. Cherry Ripe.
  • Hungry Jacks Tender Crispy Burger in medium meal.
I am the pinnacle of health.

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