Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday BBQ

Sheesha with the apple instead of the ceramic. Berry + Mint and then 100% Watermelon. So Smooth. Vince's mums filippino marinade chicken and pork belly with 'Vince's Special Sauce'. Helen's antipesto chicken pasta. Flavoured sausages. Fresh bread. Mango frozen yoghurt with real mango slices and full cream milk. Honey comb barvarian cheese cake with fresh strawberries and blue berries. Corona with lemons from the backyard. Moscato and semillion. Nerds, gobstoppers, powdered straws and other lollies of our childhood.
Barefoot soccer on my freshly cut grass.
It's a really good feeling when the friends you make from different times/places in your life can just come together, gel and feel like such a tight knit family. It's really amazing and quite rare. Phuong my bestfriend, phuong's boyfriend, Helen, Joel and Marc from Jwow, Dave my favourite cousin, Vince and Vince's friend Lui all getting along like it was the 100th time they've meet. This makes me happy. I've chosen just the right kinda people to be apart of my life. :)
The only thing that was missing was Pokey.
Facebook Friends Party
Fresh sheesha success

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