Sunday, November 6, 2011

Scar Tissue

By Anthony Kiedis
It took me about 1.5 weeks to finish the book. I read it intensely for the first half, the second dragged on and I found myself skipping chunks of writing. There is A LOT of drug and sex references in this book. I didn't know how much it sucks being a dope fiend, and I underestimated how easy it is to get over drugs once dependent on them. Anthony Kiedis is impulsive, lacks regard for consequences, personal health or health of others around him. He's escaped multiple drug related death. I am amazed at how much the human body can handle. And here I am treating my body like a temple.
I usually have a pencil handy when reading books. I highlight quotes, make notes, because I learn things.
Anthony Kiedis Quotables
There's a concept in recovery that says "Half measures avail us nothing." When you have a disease, you cant take half the process of getting well, you're not going to get half well. You'll go back to wear you came from. Without a thorough transformation, you're the same guy, and the same guy does the same shit.
You're feeling like shit? Go get out of yourself and do something for someone else, volia, you don't feel like shit anymore. You're confused and you're driving yourself crazy? Go call a guy who's got three days sober and has no clue what to do. The minute you get out of your self-centred mind-set, you're instantly freed of your own pain.
"It's always important to give things away; it creates good energy. If you have a closest full of clothes, and you try to keep them all, your life will get very small. But if you have a full closet and someone sees something they like, if you give it to them, the world is a better place.'
I had come from a school of hard knocks that my philosophy was you don't give things away, you take whatever you want.
Greedy little people in a sea of distress
Keep your more to receive your less
Unimpressed by material excess
Love is free love me say hell yes
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Give It Away

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